Saturday 26 August 2017

O Teu Jardim

The Journey of my life has ended now
And I shall return to the earth
From whence new life springs.

I shall live on in the flowers
And in the trees around you
In the breeze and in the birdsay.

Smile when you think of me
And do not mourn
My journey was good.

Foi com estas palavras finais de reflexão que nos despedimos.
O calor do sol quase a pique ajudou-nos a encontrar o local que sentimos perfeito, numa pequena clareira junto ao Memorial Garden. Depositamos as tuas cinzas no sopé de uma árvore, ao lado de um banco de jardim, e com uma magnifica vista sobre o vale. Os pássaros chilreavam e pequenas borboletas brancas esvoaçavam em redor das flores, naquele que será eternamente o Teu jardim...

Friday 11 August 2017

Para sempre

"No person is ever truly alone
Those who live no more
Whom we loved
Echo still within our thoughts.
Our words, our hearts
and what they did and who they were
Becomes a part of all that we are